Shopping Guide for UTI Cat Food

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If your cat is prone to urinary tract infections, then you may need to switch their food. Luckily, there are cat foods out there that are the best to help regulate urinary tracts. Here are some things to keep in mind when shopping for UTI cat foods:


Domestic cats have different opinions about the food they eat unlike cats that live in the wild and are able to choose different varieties of foods. When shopping for cat food, the texture is important. Many domestic cats are picky eaters.

Some cats prefer chunky food while others like soft minced food. You can learn about your cat’s preferences by watching it eat. Some cats eat their food by chewing on it. Some cats start by eating the gravy first. A majority of vets recommend that cats eat a mix of dry and wet food each day.


Raw food is a popular pet food trend, but it’s not a good one. This is because heat can degrade proteins while cooking cat food. Heat also reduces the quality and quantity of essential nutrients. Raw food can contain Listeria or Salmonella bacteria, which causes various infections. This bacteria can cause nausea, vomiting, and nerve system infections.

Cat food quality standards vary depending on where they are produced. Tests on cat food from certain countries showed a high level of contaminants, including heavy metals as well as plastic fillers. This type of cat food can be extremely dangerous.

The label may show the ingredients in cat food, starting with high quantities and ending with low weight. You may see the percentages of water, fish, protein, and fat on the label. Look for cat food that contains the highest amount of protein from specific meats when shopping. You should also check for grains, especially whole ones, as they are rich in nutrients.

It is important to check the cat food’s moisture, nutrition, as well as fat content. Not surprisingly, cats’ forefathers were hunters. The natural diet of a cat is very similar to other carnivorous animals.

The ancient hunters ate a lot of protein, moderate amounts of fat, and little carbohydrates. To prevent your cat from becoming obese, avoid giving it too many carbohydrates. Healthy carbs can be provided to your cat by feeding it brown rice, sweet potatoes, and organic pumpkin.

Wet cat food has lower levels of fat and proteins than dry cat food. Wet cat food should contain between 8-10% and 5% of the recommended minimum protein. Dry food should have a minimum of 25% protein, and 20-30% maximum fat. Certain cats won’t eat foods that contain less than the minimum amount of protein and fats.

Natural preservatives are also used to extend the shelf life of cat food. Ascorbic acid (vitamin D), tocopherol Acetate (vitamin E), and tocopheryl Acetate (vitamin B) are some of the preservatives.

Other nutrients cat food should include is vitamins and amino acids. The nutritional content of cat food varies with each cat’s life stage. Choose cat food that is balanced for your senior, kitten, adolescent, pregnant, or senior cat. We always recommend that regardless of how healthy your cat foods is, an additional vitamin supplement is paired once a day with their meal. Giving your cat a daily vitamin such as an all-natural one by Balanced Breed will ensure that your cat is receiving all the right nutrients that they need to function at their best.


The context in which organic is used can have different meanings. It is used in cat food according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Its meaning in cat food and human food are similar.

Organic refers to the way a crop or animal was grown or raised by a farmer. Organic crops are grown on land that has been left for at least three years without the use of pesticides.

The resultant crops are free from persistent and toxic pesticides as well as artificial colors and flavor, synthetic hormones, and genetically modified organisms. Organic crops should not be exposed to radiation.

Organic animals are those that produce meat for pet food and eat organic feeds. Farmers do not feed these animals hormones or antibiotics. The animals also have access to the outdoors.

USDA Certified Organic means that the cat food has been certified organic. A cat food containing ingredients from organic sources licensed has 95% USDA Certified Organic on its label.


Natural appears in pet and animal food under the regulations of the Association of American Feed Control Officials. Natural means that ingredients are from animals, plants, or minerals that have never been subject to any chemically synthesized process.

You may be able to find the best urinary food for cats that has the word natural on the label. However, the food can cause harm to your cat. You should only buy cat food from trusted suppliers.


For urinary tract health, you should not feed your cat grains from your kitchen. Your cat may become allergic to wheat, rice, barley, or barley and have digestive problems. Some grains can also be used as natural urinary acidifiers in cats.

Cat food containing these grains is a filler that has no nutritional value. Your cat will feel fuller if the ingredients are consumed. You should choose grain-free cat food to ensure your cat receives high-quality nutrients.


Probiotics are beneficial for urinary care cat food. Probiotics improve the health of your cat’s intestinal flora and gut health. Probiotics are known to reduce inflammation, strengthen your immune system, and improve the health and function of your cat’s urinary tract. Give your cat probiotics, especially if you have cats that are sensitive to food or who have taken antibiotics.

How to Prevent UTIs in Cats

There are many ways to prevent UTI in cats. There are many strategies that you can use to prevent your cat from getting UTI.

1)    An Appropriate Diet

Providing a healthy diet for your cat is a way to keep STIs away. Before purchasing cat food, consult your veterinarian. You can also consult your vet about the best feeding schedule.

Re-evaluate your cat’s diet. Change your cat’s diet if it has had any urinary problems in the past. Your cat’s diet should be tailored to provide specific amounts of protein, minerals, as well as bladder protection. It should also limit the intake of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous.

2)    Plenty of water

The high water content of cat urine can dilute minerals, toxins, and other irritants that can cause problems in the urinary tract. Urinary stones and crystals can be formed if the urine is too concentrated. Urinary irritants can also cause chronic bladder inflammation. Your cat needs to drink a lot of water.

3)    A Convenient Litter Box Position

Your cat’s litter box should be placed in a safe and convenient location. When your cat needs to relieve itself, it should be comfortable. If you have pets or people who are frequently around your cat, make sure it has a place to go when it needs to relieve itself.

The brand of your litter box should not be changed as cats can be picky about the brand of litter boxes that they use.

4)    A proper number of litter bins

You should have the right number of litter bins in your home. One litter box should be provided for each cat. If you need another, add one. Each cat has a litter box that it uses daily. It will be simple for you to recognize a cat suffering from urinary problems.

5)    Clean the Litter Box

To prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, keep the litter box clean all the time. You should scoop out the litter at least twice daily. You should also change the litter every week.

6)    Be aware of the risk factors

Be aware of any potential risk factors. Bladder infections are more common in cats over ten years of age and in reproducing cats. You should always be vigilant about your cat’s urinary health.

7)    Prescribed probiotics and supplements should be used

Probiotics are good for attracting harmful bacteria to excrete when cats urinate. They reduce the likelihood of developing urinary bacterial infections.

How to Help your Cat Avoid Any Future UTI’s

Balanced Breed vitamins are not only beneficial and full of nutrients to keep your cat healthy, but they will also help avoid any potential UTI’s. Made with all-natural ingredients and no grains, these all-in-one chewables have a delicious flavor that cats love. They are a great addition to your cat’s diet and are approved by vet pharmacists. Head over to to read more about these vitamins and see why so many cat parents are choosing Balanced Breed.